Function combineLatestToMap

  • Combines latest values from given source observables, like the original combineLatest does. Unlike combineLatest this variant expects a object (map) instead of an array and delivers a object instead of an array.

    A map instead of an array helps to avoid issues with reading wrong array index. If you have an array with one number-observable and one string-observable, typescript is able to tell you which array element is the number and which the string. But imagine an array of two string-observable. Typescript just can tell you that both are strings. It is your challenge to not mix up the order. A map with key instead of index based access helps to avoid this mix up.


    Example: source: { A: Observable, B: Observable }

    result: Observable<{ A: string, B: string}>

    sourceA: -a---b---c--|
    sourceB: ---d---e---f---|
    result: ---g-h-i-j-k---|


    g = { A: 'a', B: 'd' }

    h = { A: 'b', B: 'd' }

    i = { A: 'b', B: 'e' }

    j = { A: 'c', B: 'e' }

    k = { A: 'c', B: 'f' }

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • obsMap: {
          [P in string | number | symbol]: Observable<T[P]>

      source observables

    Returns Observable<T>

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